Featured Artist
From Camden, NJ, NoCapShawn's passion for music ignited in his childhood.

1. Where are you from and when did you start your music journey ?
I’m from Camden NJ better know as South Jersey. I began my music journey as a child I use to write raps and listening to various artists on the radio that inspired me
2. When creating a song, what is the process like? Can you take us through that ?
My process for making a song is to find a beat and find a topic after that I would write my verses and get my hook down packed then start the recording process.
3. If you can collab with one artist & one producer who would it be ?
Bossman Dlow would be a collab as of right now but if you answered me the question 10 years ago I would have said Big L & a producer I would like to work with would be murda beatz he’s very underrated via YouTube but help the migos and other artists grow as well and blow up .
4. Are you more of an artist who would rather stay independent or is your focus to land a label deal and why ?
I would like stay independent because I get to choose my team , my budgets and my team and moves I want to make and everything is coming through me I’ve heard too many situations where ppl wasn’t informed about over spending and paying taxes.
5. What’s next for you, any projects , or something we should look out for ?
I have a project ; Dolo25 coming this February & I have a full project with Dj Khaotic dropping for Valentine’s Day where.